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This is the LORE document - this will give species lore and some world lore -
all is subject to change and shift, but if you like something, feel free to take it into your own personal lore!
This group is about a dream network of worlds, and a species of dreamers who like to observe and take on the shape of beasties and critters that they see. Each critter can be extremely unique, or it can take on the form almost perfectly similar or perfect copies of another species.
With the power of dreaming and magic, they can coalesce into many forms, they can become dragons, whales, horses, reptiles, dogs, fish, feline ... anything you want!
Dreamers can be affected by their environment, by chaos, by friends, by anything really, their forms are unstable in physical appearance but the magic that runs through each of them is strong.
there are friendly dreamers, who create villages, and even large cities! as well as friendly or unfriendly dreamers who choose solitary and more wild life, living in the wilds around, or creating their own dreams in which to exist with solitude, they can shift between dreams, to visit anther or to explore. With practice they can become dreamweavers, where they can create their own dream to exist within, for others to vist or to hide it away.
All weavers have one thing in common, and that is that they are heavily connected to magic, magic in their forms allows them to change shape and shift between each dream, and each one in turn can be very different and wonderful.