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What is an upgrade or a trait? do I need to follow these rules?
for fun :)
The prompts are written as "draw ....." if you dont want to draw, you want to write! thats totally fine as well! or use a token to upgrade instead ^w^
The prompts that say, draw your character interacting with an animal --- it doesnt need to be a real animal! You can make one up where applicable :) (nose shifter, skull shifter, etc!)
For the purposes of this guide - and in the spirit of the species - you may interpret these upgrades however you like! use them or dont, just here for fun ^w^ -- at some point if I have time I might go in an add example art for some of them :)
The number listed next to each upgrade is how many TOTAL COINS you need to unlock that upgrade for all of your characters! Some upgrades will have a small prompt you also need to complete in order to unlock that upgrade, so having both of those is important in unlocking that.
List of Traits or Upgrades:
BABY UPGRADES: these upgrades are available when your critter is within its first three drawings, once theyve been drawn three times, they may get upgrades from the rest of the list!
nose spike 5 -- no nose 5 -- fawn freckles 5 -- tapir stripes 5 -- small teeth 10 -- lightly fluffed 10 -- paw pads 10 -- small cheek spikes 15 -- horn nubs 15 -- baby wings 25 -- baby back spikes 30 -- claw nubs 10 -- arm feathering 25 -- baby webbed arm wings (cant fly yet, just growing in) 25
cheek spikes 15 - soft horn nubs - straight horns - rams horns - halo horns - crown of horns - add a second set of horns - nose spike - animal horns! (deer, moose, elk, cow, goats, literally so many to list!) - slit nostrils - nose shifter! (dog! hyena! possum! cat! anything, you name it!!) - no visible nose - beak - tusks - double tusks - oni fangs - double fangs - fangs - teeth shifter (shift to a different set of teeth) - antrhopod / insect mouth - mouth tendrils - long tongue - goo tongue - split tongue - double tongue - grabby tongue - head shifter (shift to a different animal skull, any animal or make something up)
ear shifter! (cat, dog, serval, hyena, horse, donkey, deer, lion, tiger) - long slender - jester ears! (ears that look like a jesters hat, maybe they've got bells at the end ^w^) - second set of ears - third set of ears -
body lengether - body shortener - body shifter (canine, feline, dragon, equine, anyfin! make somethin new!) - baby back spikes - large back spikes - back fur mane - back fur fluff - neck mane - neck fluff - belly fur - tentacles - porcupine spikes! quills - back fins - tendrils - shark fin - scales - armor plates - exposed spine -
second set of arms - big punchy arms - paw pads - claws - long claws - hoof fingers - claw fingers - chicken fingers :3 (like bird claws and scales - plush paws - hooves - baby wyvern wings - arm feathering - arm feather wings - arm fluffs - arm spikes - baby webbed arm wings - webbed arm wings
arm / leg shifter (can apply to front or back limbs / arms or legs) make em look like any animal! long short horse dog! whatever you want :3) - add an extra set of back legs - short claws - long claws - paw pads - fluffy legs - leg feathering - leg webbing -
tail shifter! (dog tail, horse, lion, tiger, dragon, gecko, spindly, xenomorph) - make your tail longer - make your tail shorter - dock your tail - add a second tail - star tail tip - spade tail tip - heart tail tip - tail club - tail spikes - tail armor or scales - skeleton tail -
baby wing nubs - small dragon wings - small feathered wings - small combo wings - combo wings - dragons wings - feathered wings - hip wings - tail wings - seraphim
fur - scales - shark skin - fins! (shark, fish dolphin??) - furless - rhino skin - hooves or cloven hooves (can add extra little digits as well) - scar - big scar - lost limb
add a color - add a second color - unlimited colors - stripes (hyena? horse? tiger?) - spots - freckling - ticking - big cat markings (lots of different ones to list) - tabby markings - blotches - ringtail - freckles -
add a color - add a second color - unlimited colors - stripes (hyena? horse? tiger?) - spots - freckling - ticking - big cat markings (lots of different ones to list) - tabby markings - blotches - ringtail - freckles - animal marking shifter (take a marking from any animal and use it on your dreamer!)
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