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How to make a character steps:
- First - think about what your character looks like, what they like to do, what they dont like, what they are good at, what they arent think about what type of character you want to make
Now that you have an idea of what you want your character to look like when theyre grown up, think about what they would look like with NO UPGRADES AND TRAITS ... this is what they will start out looking like. As well as having no upgrades - you need to choose what colors youre going to use. To start off with, a character can start with 1 base color, and then 2 other shades of that color (maybe a lighter and darker shade), then you may also use white - when a baby the dreamer has 1 white spot, and then 1 accent color, this can be any color and can go anywhere.
If you dont have an idea of what you would want your character to start out like, you can also start from a few character shape starters -- these are wip, but a few places to start from

For now we just have Snapdragons! they start out with this general body plan. (Nub ears, snapper mouths, no teeth, paw pads, claws or fur, they are relatively smooth to the touch. Maybe they'll grow up to be a big dragon one day!
- Second - now that you have an idea, no matter how developed it is - go ahead and write a small description of them, if you cant draw you can add a physical description - if you want to draw, you can draw a little drawing of your character
- Third - now that you've drawn or written some about your character, that's it! Theyre a dreamer, until you wanna make something else
Can I put a character I already have into this world?
- yes of course :) - you can either recreate a character you already have as a small dreamer version of themselves, or you can gift a character you already have dreamer status, just by saying so!
Am I allowed to buy a character or use an adopt for this group? Do I need to have made the character myself?
Of course! You can transfer or use or reinvent any character into being a dreamer :) -- youre even welcome to use something made by a picrew, an art base or a dressup game! Maybe even a game avatar if you wanted :D -- you dont need to have drawn this character or even made the character to use them in this group
Where can I get inspiration for making a character?
Places to get inspiration can be anywhere - there are a few example dreamers below, you could look up; cool nature, cool science, cool animals, dragons, other people characters, you could look up palletes or dress up games. Theres loads of designs on Deviantart you could draw inspiration from as well, search up ADOPTS or ADOPTABLE characters!
Does my character need to look any certain way, or have any certain colors or requirements?
nope! your character can look like whatever you want, for the sake of my own fun i've made an example of how to make a baby dreamer, but with the nature of Tokens, and for the nature of fun, you dont need to worry about following exactly, or at all! just have fun ^w^
Does the reference or description need to be of a certain quality, quantity or number of words?
Nope! you can have a front view and a back view and lots of extras on your ref, or you can just have a written description, or you could even just have a sketch, just as long as youre having fun!! ^w^
Where should I post my art?
for right now, this is in the "early beta" type stages! so if you wanna make art now, hell yea power to ya! We are going to be trying to get some infrastructure (like find a group gallery of some sort) that we can use to keep in contact with other dreamers, but for now its not ready yet ^w^
Here's some examples of new dreamers and what they might look like: WIP
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